As Tara grows, and your influence spreads, various events occur with your projects in town. There are also new magic items available.
In Town Events
Tower of Math
A desperate young man arrives at the tower. His clothes are salt encrusted and his lips are blistered. He claims to have powerful arcane knowledge he can offer in exchange for sanctuary and a place at the school.
Tara Keep (Maedoch's Guildhouse)
One of the men, a talented and enterprising brewer, has been caught diverting kegs for his own purposes, mostly divvying them out to friends and family but selling a few as well.
Shipyard and Temple of Mannanan Mac Lir
A plainly dressed warrior arrives and identifies himself as a Son of Mannanan. He pulls a set of very old, silver items of worship from what's clearly a bag of holding. There are candelabra, bells, incense dishes, and a silver torc encrusted with small emeralds, a clear symbol of the faith. He tearfully presents them to the temple and expresses gratitude that it still exists.
Calderon's Skunk Works
No new activity.
Magical Threat Authority
Training Drill: The MTA engages in a threat take down drill and Sfiri needs to make a successful Diplomacy, Intimidate or Profession (soldier, or other) check to pull it off.
New Magic Items
Tara is a small city and there is a 75% chance that any magic
item up to the Purchase Limit price (25,000 gp) is available.
Minor Items:
Ring: Ring of swarming stabs; 6,000 gp
Wondrous Item: Bag of holding (type III) (Slotless); 7,400 gp
Ring: Ring of maniacal devices; 5,000 gp
Wand: Aspect of the bear (2nd Level, CL 3rd); 4,500 gp
Wondrous Item: Belt of incredible dexterity +2 (Belts); 4,000 gp
Wondrous Item: Cloak of resistance +2 (Shoulders); 4,000 gp
Wondrous Item: Headband of fortune’s favor (Headband); 7,700 gp
Ring: Ring of swarming stabs; 6,000 gp
Wand: Heat metal (2nd Level, CL 3rd); 4,500 gp
Wondrous Item: Ghostvision gloves (Hands); 4,000 gp
Medium Items:
Wand: Invisibility, greater (4th Level, CL 7th); 21,000 gp
Wand: Invisibility (2nd Level, CL 3rd); 4,500 gp
Wand: Wood shape (2nd Level, CL 3rd); 4,500 gp
Wand: Magic circle against law (3rd Level, CL 5th); 11,250 gp
Wand: Summon monster II (2nd Level, CL 3rd); 4,500 gp
Wondrous Item: Amulet of mighty fists +2 (Neck); 20,000 gp
Wand: Restoration (4th Level, CL 7th); 26,000 gp
Wand: Invisibility (2nd Level, CL 3rd); 4,500 gp
Wand: Bear’s endurance (2nd Level, CL 3rd); 4,500 gp
Wondrous Item: Mask of the skull (Head); 22,000 gp
Wand: Cat’s grace (2nd Level, CL 3rd); 4,500 gp
Major Items:
Wand: Confusion (4th Level, CL 7th); 21,000 gp
Staff: Staff of spiders; 30,200 gp
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