Monday, March 4, 2013

Ship Crew Costs

Your ship has a minimum crew of 20. There are penalties when you fall below 20 crewmen and severe penalties below 10. It would make sense to have a crew larger than 20 to account for illness, death or injury, and other eventualities.

A ship also needs a captain, and according to the 1E DMG, for every 20 men, the ship requires a captain, lieutenant and two mates (add additional mates for each 10 crewmen over this). I'll use generic stats for each officer position as a baseline that corresponds with the ocean going challenge ratings. We're assuming competency, non-evil, stable crew who can manage the entire operation.

I'm using a hybrid of 1E and Pathfinder when determining costs. You're paying 3sp per day for trained men (Pathfinder), multiplied by their level (1E would have been 10 times higher). It looks like this:

Minimal Crew Cost (20 crewmen, Captain, Lieutenant, 2 Mates)
Position Qty Rate/day/level/sp Level Total/Day/sp
Crewmen 20 3 1 60
Captain 1 3 8 24
Lietenant 1 3 7 21
Mates 2 3 6 36

Daily Total

Monthly Total


My recommended crew of 30 looks like this:

Recommended Crew Cost (30 crewmen, Captain, Lieutenant, 3 Mates)
Position Qty Rate/day/level/sp Level Total/Day/sp
Crewmen 30 3 1 90
Captain 1 3 8 24
Lietenant 1 3 7 21
Mates 3 3 6 54

Daily Total

Monthly Total



If you were to have some sort of "ship's share" of treasure, here's how it would work out with the crew, if you divided it by their station:

Minimal Crew Cost (20 crewmen, Captain, Lieutenant, 2 Mates)
Position Qty Share % Each %
Crewmen 20 43 2
Captain 1 17 17
Lietenant 1 15 15
Mates 2 26 13


  1. you forgot loyal - the crew must be loyal

  2. Well, you can't buy loyalty. You could do a couple things:

    1. Insert your followers into the officer positions.
    2. Pay them more.

  3. I would say...

    The crew, acquired in Tara, start off with the attitude of Helpful. They want to assist the Heroes of Tara.

    However, these are merchant seamen and not pirates. They do the job, they get paid. The job is getting the ship from point A to point B. If you start taking them to dangerous ports or forbidden islands, their mood will change negatively.

    Fixing that might mean a couple things: Giving them a share of the treasure of your adventures (perhaps a ship's share, not necessarily equal to a party member).

    It might mean making them feel safe with a bunch of marines and a druid on board. Sure, it's a dangerous job, but we're protected by the warriors, right?

  4. I added a ship's share table at the bottom.

  5. I would change the ship's share a bit, as captain's generally got two shares rather than that big cut and officers the same as a crewman.

  6. Just found a source for maintenance cost of ancient ships, about 6% annually of the ships value. So this ship would cost 600gp a year.
